Welcome to Plexus Herbs!

Welcome to Plexus Herbs!

Thank you so much for signing up for our newsletter!

Here we will keep you updated on products, sales, and information about upcoming farmers markets. We will try to keep it up dated monthly. 

August Farmer's Markets:

August 13th & 27th: Greenbelt FM 10am - 2pm

August 12th: Largo Town center, Downtown Largo McCormick Drive Largo, MD 20774

Link for more Information: https://www.largotowncenter.org/downtown-largo-festival


The transition into the fall season is amongst us as we reach the end of summer. 

There are many herbs that could aid your transition from the hot and fiery days to the cool and chilly days. 

From our selection of teas, the Dandelion Chai contains many warming herbs that are associated with transition of summer to fall. Two herbs in particular are Ginger and Cinnamon which are great warming herbs. They also contain antibacterial properties that can support your immune system during these weather jumping days.

     Ginger helps warm the body and clears general symptoms of common colds. This herb is useful for circulatory stimulation that helps pump blood throughout the body to avoid stagnation.

    Cinnamon has a warming and cheerful effect as most people may know. This herb dries dampness in the body and warms people that suffer from coldness and poor circulation.


Thanks so much for reading! If you have any questions, please contact us!

 E-mail: plexus.herbs@gmail.com



Affirmations for the Solar Plexus Chakra: 

I am worthy

I am confident

I manifest with ease and grace

I am deserving

I am free from limitations from others

Reference: Spices To Warm You Up: Humaira Quraishi, ND, MS: Naturopathic Doctor (natureshum.net)

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